December 30, 2010

"Never mind any of those things. Because history isn't easy to overcome. Neither is religion. In the end, ... nothing was ever going to change that. Nothing."
-the kite runner, by Khaled Hosseini

December 29, 2010

Don't you just love being held by someone, unless, of course, its against your will ?
Well. Have your parents ever admitted that they, actually, like your significant other ?
If they have youre pretty lucky; youve found, or you were found by, someone who can be more genuine to who they really are because they no longer have to constantly impress your family on a daily or weekly basis.

YOU SHOULDN'T JUDGE... just sayin'

ORIGINALLY FROM : myfriendmeghan

What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?

idk. but i really like buffalo burgers(:

Ask me stuff

What was your first paying job?

Paying as in getting checks on a weekly basis and having to clock in and out? Being a cashier at Elrod's Cost Plus.
And if not that, then, mowing neighbors' lawns. im mexican(:

Ask me stuff

December 13, 2010

BRI (:

my AMAZINGLY talented and great friend Bri Elizondo ! (:
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